When he heard God’s call, he gave up everything to be a religious, a priest, a Jesuit. He became a model confessor, a sincere preacher, and a diligent teacher of the faith to the young. He was a dedicated shepherd of souls and a pastor to the poor, the slaves, the sick, and the prisoners. When he was 32, he wrote to his brother, “I have no desire for the honors of this world, but solely for the glory of God and the salvation of my soul.”
In our world today, we often equate success with worldly things. How rich we are is defined in terms of money, property, and recognition. Many of the youth today labor just to climb the ladder of success. They go to school and work hard day in and day out.
The culture of today is a culture of productivity. The more a person produces, the more successful a person is. The more one accumulates, the better one is. But the life of St. Bernardino Realino reminds us that giving glory to God and the salvation of our souls are far more important than worldly honors. And in the eyes of God, this is success.
S. Bernardino Realino is an example of a rich young man who made the right choice, a young man who gave up everything to follow Jesus and who found his success in heaven rather than in the world.
Which is better: Success only in the eyes of the world or success in the eyes of God? Choose. To be an apostle of God is to be detached from worldly things and to hold on to God, to surrender and follow.
What are you willing to sacrifice for the sake of God’s glory and the salvation of your soul?
Lord, we pray that we may be able to follow St. Bernardino Realino and respond to Your call, for Your glory and the salvation of our souls. St. Bernardino Realino, pray for us.
- Bryan O. Arevalo, SJ
Reposted from phjesuits.org