Last Saturday, 13 November 2010, 24 Juniors and Seniors of the Ateneo de Manila High School attended the Meet the Jesuits (MTJ) session. For one full day, it was all about knowing the Jesuits, and their stages of religious formation.
The AHS students listened to many Jesuit vocation stories and visited the following Jesuit formation houses: the Jesuit Residence , where a hearty lunch was served, the Loyola House of Studies where they went up to "Titanic", and the Arrupe International Residence, where the AHS students had recreation and met young scholastics from Myanmar and East Timor. The day ended at the Arvisu Pre-Novitiate House at Varsity Hills, where the Sunday anticipated Mass was celebrated.
Many thanks to the Jesuit Vocation Promotion Team, Bro. Jody Magtoto, S.J, Fr. Manny Perez, S.J., Fr. Bill Kreutz, S.J., Fr. Jun Viray, S.J., Fr. Lester Maramara, S.J., Fr. Xavier Olin, S.J., Fr. Eli Lumbo, S.J. and the Jesuit Pre-novices at the Arvisu House.
The MTJ was a sneak peek into the life of the Jesuits. We hope that some day, many AHS students choose the priestly vocation, and serve the Lord by becoming a Jesuit.