Stanislaw Kostka, S.J. (28 October 1550 – 15 August 1568),
was a Polish novice of the Society of Jesus. In the Catholic Church, he is venerated as Saint Stanislaus Kostka.
He was born at Rostkowo, near Przasnysz, Poland, on 28 October 1550; died at Rome during the night of 14-15 August, 1568. He entered the Society of Jesus in Rome on his 17th birthday (28 October 1567), and is said to have foretold his death a few days before it occurred. St. Stanislaus Kostka is the patron of the Ateneo de Manila High School.
Novena Prayer to St. Stanislaus Kostka
St. Stanislaus, my most loving and tender patron,
I rejoice with you
at the extraordinary gift of your purity and charity
which kept your heart pure and innocent,
always at peace and united with God.
I humbly pray to you, please obtain for me
the strength to overcome all impure temptations
and inspire me with constant watchfulness
to guard my purity, for virtues so glorious in itself,
and acceptable to God.
At a very young age,
you have desired much to love
and serve the Lord with all your heart.
Help us dearest Saint, to be steadfast,
and to persevere in our love and service
to our Lord in everything that we do.
Help us too, to obtain the same love
you have for Mary, our mother.
I give thanks to her, because she granted your wish to be with her in heaven at the hour of your death.
Intercede with Mary for me, that my death,
if not as happy as yours, may be calm and peaceful,
under the protection of Mary, our advocate,
and of you, my special patron.
I humbly pray that you obtain for me such ardor of divine love
that it may consume every other earthly affliction,
and kindle in me the fire of His love alone.
Let us now pause to silently present our own petitions to God through the intercession of St. Kostka.
Our Father | Hail Mary | Glory be…
O God, among the wonders of Your wisdom, You have given the grace of mature holiness even to those of tender age, like St. Stanislaus Kostka. We ask You to grant that, after the example of St. Stanislaus, we may be able to persevere and love you with childlike faith, purity and charity. Amen.
v. Pray for us, St. Stanislaus
r. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.